Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Garden Chronicle Continues

The Bayside Community Garden continues to flourish in perfect summer garden weather: bright sun followed by bursts of occasional rain.

This photo of my garden bed shows Foxglove (left -- flowering), catnip (front), bee balm (right), mint (in the colored containers) and towering Feverfew.

A drawing of the Foxglove blossoms.

The bee balm, which I originally thought had not wintered over, proved me wrong with these gorgeous red blossoms.

A sketch of Bee Balm.

A view of flowering Soapwort (ugly name -- gorgeous flowers). Soapwort leaves have been used as soap since the Renaissance.
Soapwort blossoms will surprise you with their delicate perfume.

First-year gardener Michel grew some fine irises this year.

A bouquet of Feverfew.

My neighbor Susan's herb garden.

Shannon's colorful creative patch.

Garden Gloves

Jon's Buddha, appropriate for the Garden Guru.

Small apples from a little apple tree Jon planted.